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Arizona DOT added new weigh station bypass sensors

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Truck drivers who enter Arizona from California, New Mexico and Utah soon will have a chance to bypass the entry weigh stations of the state.


Over the next months, the ADOT (Arizona Department of Transportation) will add Drivewyze Preclear road sensors at seven locations in order to check the registration as well as the weight of trucks entering the state. The followings are the new bypass locations:


  • I-8 in Yuma
  • I-10 in Ehrenberg close to the California line
  • I-10 in San Simon close to the New Mexico line
  • I-15 in St. George, Utah, just north of the Arizona-Utah line
  • I-40 in Topock close the California line
  • I-40 in Sanders close to the New Mexico line
  • State Route 68 and U.S. 93 in Kingman


In order to get a bypass truck drivers will be required to use ELD app or Drivewyze mobile app. According to ADOT, some trucks will be randomly selected for inspection. In addition, those registered trucks that have paperwork related issues or are overweight will be required to stop for inspection.


Tim Lane, director of ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division says: “If we pull over every truck, it causes unnecessary delays for drivers and companies that have complied with Arizona’s regulations. This system will allow us to increase enforcement in the cases where we need to do that.”


ADOT has used a similar system at the Canoa Ranch rest area on I-19, the McGuireville rest area on I-17, and the Sacaton rest area on I-10 to check truck registration status as well as to weigh the truck.

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